Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nanotechnology: good for golf balls, bad for health?

Link: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080914/nanoparticle_controversy_080914/20080914?hub=Health&s_name=

Nanotechnology has just recently been announced to help produce the next generation of products. So what exactly are these nanotechnologies? Basically, they are tiny particles in forms of silver, gold, carbon, and even bamboo that are shrunken down to extreme sizes. The plan is to use these tiny particles as an extra ingredient to a variety of new products, such as scratch-resistant paint, golf balls that can go farther and medications that can destroy cancer cells. Also, they plan to incorporate these particles into clothing, which are capable of killing odors (GREAT FOR YOU SWEATY PEOPLE OUT THERE). Scientists are still studying this new nanotechnology to ensure that it is safe for consumers. For now, it still poses a risk to the environment and to the human health due to its toxic materials.

Introductory Concept: Opportunity Cost
Since “nanotechnology” has been brought up, many have been wondering what are the benefits. This new technology allows companies to inject a new generation of substances into new products, making it more beneficial than before. An example stated in the article would be the clothing people wear. With the new nanotechnology, clothing would have the ability to absorb and kill odor at the same time. This may sound appealing, but what is it sacrificing? What is the opportunity cost? Study show that the nanoparticles can cause damage to our environment and to our bodies when they leak out of products. This is a major issue today because of the green house affects. Ever since the green house gas effect has been brought up, people are changing their lifestyles to become more environmentally friendly. Not only that, but it can also cause damage to our bodies, due to the toxic materials that may leak onto our skin. The cost of damaging our body is much more costly than purchasing clothing that may harm us. If particles did leak onto our skin, we would need to pay for medical treatments to cure ourselves. As you can see, the cost of product alone may end up cost of product+ risk + injury + time and money towards medical treatment, which is more costly than you think. Thus, the opportunity costs for the production of nanotechnology are the pollutions in our environment and the risk of danger towards our health.


Nanotechnology is going to be the next big thing. In my opinion, nanotechnology in general will do well in the market. Demands for nanoparticals in products would be high, especially the fact that it can serve for important purposes. For example, nanoparticals can serve as a medication for cancer and it can kill odor when incorporated into clothing. Thus, athletes and cancer patients would demand for this production to continue. In my opinion, the opportunity cost of including these nanoparticals to new products is minor. Damages to the environment from the substances in nanotechnology are negligible compared to the amount of damages caused from our transportation. Although I agree with most of the production of nanotechnology, I do not think it's a good idea to incorporate them in clothing. It poses a higher risk of side effects, which results in injury and more money for medical treatment. By allowing the production of nanotechnology, the products we buy, and basically our lifestyle will be improved.


lilynguyen said...

Although nanotechnology has medical benefits, I think that's where its usefulness should stop. How healthy would it be if it just kept absorbing all your sweat and people stopped washing their clothes?! Even if people did, the particles could leak into the water it takes to wash the clothes and harm the ecosystem. I disagree with the amount of opportunity cost. If we already have to deal with the carbon dioxide in our ozone, we do not need to spend more on a new, rather unnecessary product. It may take even more money to solve the problems it causes than the carbon dioxide because it's new and we do not know the effects that it will make on the environment.

Gordon Lai said...

Nanotechnology does seem like pretty innovative, but like all new technology it will be very pricey when it comes out. I do not think that it would be very practical to put the nanotechnology in clothing because the price would not justify the cost of that piece of clothing. Its just not too practical to be incorporated in the clothing industry. If you did excessively sweat, there are cheaper alternatives to remedy that. Nanotechnology would be more practical in the medical field where you could justify the price of the new treatments because you can't put a price on human life. I do hope that Nanotechnology will be the next breakthrough in medicine..wouldn't it be great that this is the technology that brings cancer to extinction?

Gordon Lai

busywithlife101 said...

Nanotechnology is on the premise of technological advances yet again. With the rise of technical aids come the exploitation of these resources. I can only vouch for medicinal use because that's one of the few faculties where I can see harmful wastes being justified. Being realistic with our materialistic world, I can see this new application being used from furniture cleaners to linen additives. I just hope that we won't take to nanotechnology as we have done to plastic.
Alex Ng.

christy leung said...

Well well, it seems like that the world's trend has shifted to everything becoming "nanonized", from i pods, to phones, and now, even to our most basic daily products such as clothings!? Surpirse? Hum.. maybe not, and some of us could see this coming already. As for this newly discovered purpose of the nanotechnology, I personally think that the most radical proposal in there is that there would be nanotechnology incorporated in our medicines?! WOW. Sounds pretty amazing, but how reliable it really is? For sure we don't know yet, but I think that things should just go in a more natural pace, and take its time to make sure that everything will be alright. So that it doesn't end up to be like the Chinese milk products that has been 'black-mailing' global economy right now :O Now this is one major opportunity cost that is directly affecting the direct revenues in regards of the Chinese International relationship.

Christy Leung