Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apple cuts prices on notebooks


It was just announced a few days ago that Apple has released their new-line of aluminum-clad Mac Books and Mac Books Pros at $1,299. New improvements has be made. The new Mac Books now use Nvidia Corp graphics and Intel Corp processors. Also, Apple has changed the appearance to a more high-end look with an aluminum-clad finish, instead of plastic. Apple has chosen to follow on their annual strategy of replacing older products and keeping the same pricing. The old glossy white and black Mac Books are now replaced and price has dropped down to just $999. At a $100 price-cut, Apple may face a disappointing result, as they may not be able to sell out all their old Mac Books.

The Operation of a Market: Supply & Demand
Since the new line of aluminum-clad Mac Books has just been released, the old Mac Books' prices have been cut down to $999. The new improvements on the aluminum-clad Mac Books make them even more irresistible to have. Like all of Apple's products, appearance is one of the biggest factors why people like their products. By replacing the older model with better physical design and processor, people would lean towards the newer model even though the old Mac Book is cheaper because of their tastes and preferences. This is an example of demand. As the older models are being phased-out, demand for them are less, which means Apple will have to do something to sell out their remaining stock of the older Mac Books. Without compromising the price too much, Apple applied a $100 price cut on the older Mac Books. In most circumstances, people will buy more of a product if the price is low and less of it if the price is high. Keep in mind, Apple may be disappointed by the fact that their older line of Mac Books may not sell really well due to the fast, declining economy. Usually when income is low, the quantity demand is low, but because customers are now more aware of the economy and the possible future prices, sale percentages are expected to drop. Although, economies are dropping, Apple is not worried about selling their new-line of Mac Books, as they have always exceeded their expectations. As for the new Mac Books, the demands for them are high, which means that the supplies are high as well. As the concept of demand states, “ if they continue to buy a certain product, it will continue to be produced.” Apple would need to manufacture more shipments of Mac Books in order to meet people's demands.

First of all, I personally think that the consumers' response to the price changes for both the new and old Mac Book will affect Apple greatly. Apple will continue to increase their sales, even though most people already own a Mac Book. The number and characteristics of buyers is probably one of the main factors that will push the sale of the new Mac Books. The current generation and age group are dedicated to new technology, and because of this, Apple has been successfully selling previous products. Also, Apple does a great job advertising and designing their products, making them very user-friendly, which matches very well with consumers’ tastes and preferences that are new to the industry. The more the consumers are exposed to a certain brand through advertising, their purchase choices are likely to be affected. Also, I must say Apple is truly brilliant for their work because of the fact that they based their commercial for the new line of Mac Books on their production. It shows the “production cost,” going through the steps of producing the goods from the raw material to the finished product. When people see the time and effort placed on a product, they would want it more. As for the supply side, Apple will be able to manufacture more of the product because of the high-set price. Keep in mind Apple has never had a single product where very few people wanted. Although I believe that the new Mac Books will successfully sell out to consumers, I don't think they'll set any new records with this product. Declining economies are affecting everyone around the world right now, and are probably facing financial issues. Not only that, but people might decide to purchase a PC laptop due to a change in the price of substitute products. PC usually ranges from $300-$800, while Macs are $1000+. Apple will no doubt manufacture thousands of the new Mac Books to retailers, meeting the demand of the people. Thus, supply and demand will continue to increase till the next product from Apple is released.


raymond_ said...
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raymond_ said...
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raymond_ said...

With the new and improved Mac Book, the sales for the old Mac Book will most definitely go down, eventhough $100 is cut off the orginal price to $999. These are both supplementary items of one another, but it just comes down to whether or not the new Nvidia Corp graphics and Intel Corp processor is a necessity or luxury. People are not going to spend an extra $300 on a Mac Book, if they are not going to use the new software. The new Mac Book may possibly not produce as much revenue aswell, seeing as the future incomes of most working citizens in Canada will go down; however, if someone was planning on buying a Mac Book, the factor that would help the Mac Company is the general tastes and preferences of humans. People tend to want the most high tech and advanced equipment; therefore, the new Mac Book will most likely produce more sales revenue.

Raymond Chen
Block E

Harry said...

Obviously, when a new Mac Book comes out, everyone would want it first. I thought the price drop of the old Mac Book was a smart move, but not smart enough as the price increase was too small. People would rather invest another 399$ plus tax on the new Mac Book and have it last another 4-5 years before a new one comes out. I thought you made a good point in them making a good point in advertising. They advertise the old Mac Book well, but they hype the new Mac Book even more, letting people want to buy the new one. The demand for the new product is high but the supply of it is low, because it is new. But in the case of the old Mac Book, a technological factor comes in play and the demand and price both go down for it. But of course, Mac isn't the only way to go.

Harry Lam

busywithlife101 said...

The introduction of a new Mac Book usually brings about great enthusiasm for Apple products. However, I think this latest product may disappoint Apple executives because of the current financial situation and the growing concern of disposable income. While the human nature of greed runs rampant at the moment, extra money will most likely be allocated to buying oil, groceries, or saving for retirement. The slim difference in prices between the old and new model may not attract those who have a satisfactory computer or those who wish to upgrade. I currently have a laptop that works decently well and have no future plans in investing in a newer model.

Alex Ng

Alana said...

So Henry, are you finally going to buy your Mac? xD
